Sunday, June 1, 2008.
JUBILATE V!!!!!!!!!
Jubilate was fun fun fun!!! and now i realise how cool it is
to take photos! i am slow:/ Hais. shall let them do the talking:)

ONE FAITH 07!!!!! <333

Strings, Choir and Band!!!
(and i dont know what in the world is gen doing. haha)

Green Badges, SNSO!!!!!! <3

Hannah, Lynette, Wei Tian and me! in sepia mode. heh:D

Stringalings and Choir in SO dressing room!!!

Another pic!
originally wanted to go find pearlyn but in the end did not.
did not see her for dam long already. haha. never see her in
CO uniform before. wanted to go home with her but
realise that she bus-ed back already.
Thanks to lynette and cheryl for the pics!!!
And before every perfomance, i was super nervous.
but thanks to aldea's stupid antics, haha.
especially her touch-up thing with her stopper.
and my hair was french- braided,
thanks to vanessa who helped everyone:)
LOL. never tie my hair before. heh.
thats all for now! shall post more pics next time:D
Jubilate was fun fun fun!!! and now i realise how cool it is
to take photos! i am slow:/ Hais. shall let them do the talking:)
ONE FAITH 07!!!!! <333
Strings, Choir and Band!!!
(and i dont know what in the world is gen doing. haha)
Green Badges, SNSO!!!!!! <3

Hannah, Lynette, Wei Tian and me! in sepia mode. heh:D

Stringalings and Choir in SO dressing room!!!

Another pic!
originally wanted to go find pearlyn but in the end did not.
did not see her for dam long already. haha. never see her in
CO uniform before. wanted to go home with her but
realise that she bus-ed back already.
Thanks to lynette and cheryl for the pics!!!
And before every perfomance, i was super nervous.
but thanks to aldea's stupid antics, haha.
especially her touch-up thing with her stopper.
and my hair was french- braided,
thanks to vanessa who helped everyone:)
LOL. never tie my hair before. heh.
thats all for now! shall post more pics next time:D