Sunday, July 20, 2008.
i just finished watching ANTM 9!
i can safely say that it is the nicest cycle, other than
the caridee cycle :D
LOVE JENAH!!! damn frustrated when she got eliminated during top 3:/
"just because im not running around all the time, smiling all the time makes me mean or think im better than people and just cuz i dont spew rainbows incessantly just for girls to want to be like me....".
JIAYOU JENAH!!! i totally agree with her.
hah, dont know why, but i realise that i always support blondes?
this is dam funny. i was surfing the net and i found this!

Any resemblance? HEHEHE.
Jenah should seriously have won ANTM!!! not that saleisha:/
although i supported her at first, but later i cant stand her and
that retarded hair of hers. LOL.
hannah ho, you should watch this cycle! IT IS NICE!<3
i just finished watching ANTM 9!
i can safely say that it is the nicest cycle, other than
the caridee cycle :D
LOVE JENAH!!! damn frustrated when she got eliminated during top 3:/
"just because im not running around all the time, smiling all the time makes me mean or think im better than people and just cuz i dont spew rainbows incessantly just for girls to want to be like me....".
JIAYOU JENAH!!! i totally agree with her.
hah, dont know why, but i realise that i always support blondes?
this is dam funny. i was surfing the net and i found this!

Any resemblance? HEHEHE.
Jenah should seriously have won ANTM!!! not that saleisha:/
although i supported her at first, but later i cant stand her and
that retarded hair of hers. LOL.
hannah ho, you should watch this cycle! IT IS NICE!<3